AlignFM Data Load Configure

Allow the user to configure how data from the SC Tables gets loaded into the LD tables by matching the columns in the selected SC table to the selected LD table.


Select Tables

 To match SC and LD table columns, the user will have to select an SC and LD table from the lists provided.


When an LD table is selected, the LD Table Type is displayed to the user.


Column Matching
 To continue, the fields for each table selected will be displayed in the list provided.  


 Select a Field from each table and move the selection to the Column Mapping List by pressing the Transfer To button.


  The mapping will be displayed in the Column Mapping List. 


  To remove the Column mapping, press the Transfer Back button.


  To Clear the Column Mapping List, press the Clear button


  All Mappings can be created before saving the mapping configuration. To save the Column Mappings press the Save Mapping button. The number of mappings is saved is displayed to the user when completed


Column Cause

 Each column match can have a Clause attached to the mapping. A Clause is used to filter the data that gets loaded into the database. There fore there are three kinds of filters.


 Switch allows the user to add a conditional filter of possible values to a field when loading into the database.

 To add a Switch filter to the data, select the Mapped Column from the list provided and press the Switch button. A form will display allowing the user to create a Switch statement. The format of a Switch statement is as follows:


Switch(expression1, value1, expression2, value2, …,expressionn, value_n)



After completing the Switch Statement, pressing the OK button will place it into the Column Clause List.



 An IsNumeric clause is a conditional filter of the value of the field selected to check if it is a numeric value when loading into the database.


 To put an IsNumeric Clause on a column, select the desired column from the Column Mapping list and press the IsNumeric button. The Clause will be placed in the Column Clause List.

IIf & IsNull

 IIf is a conditional operand. That is, if the first statement is false, complete the  

 IsNull is a condition filter that returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an expression contains no valid data.

 To add a IIf & IsNull filter to the data, select the Mapped Column from the list provided and press the IIf & IsNull button. A form will display allowing the user to create a IIf & IsNull statement. The format of a IIf & IsNull statement is as follows:




 This Clause states:  if the ([SC_TSTLD].[TYPE] is null (no data) make the value = “UNKNOWN” or if is has data, make the value = [SC_TSTLD].[TYPE]

 Once the Column Clause has been created, it must be saved to be considered when Loading data into the LD tables.

 To Remove a Column Clause from the list, select the Clause and press the Remove button.

 To Remove all Column Clauses from the list, press the Clear button.


 The Column Mapping MUST be saved before a Column Cause can be created for that mapped column.