Borders Glossary

Define the Draw Area
 The Draw Area is the location where the Viewport will be in the Border. Set the X-Dist, the Y-Dist, the Length, and the Height.

 In the New or Edit Border dialog box, in the Draw Area there are four fields. The first is X-Dist. In this field either type in the distance from the Origin to the bottom of the draw area or define it in AutoCAD. In the Y-Dist field either type in the distance from the Origin to the side of the draw area or define it in AutoCAD. In the Length field either type in the length of the draw area or select it in AutoCAD. In the Height field either type in the height of the draw area or select it in AutoCAD. Press the select a point button () to choose a point for the specified draw area for each field.


NOTE: We recommend either using the perpendicular command, or have ortho on.
Draw Area
 In the Origin area of the Border dialog box type in the X: and Y: values of the origin in AutoCAD. Typically the origin is kept at 0,0 (X: 0, Y: 0). The origin is the location where the border block will be inserted, and is also the reference points for all of the bands.

Set Border Dimensions (BDR Info)
 The Border Dimensions area of the Border dialog box is where the Width and Height of the Border is typed. This is for reference only, and will be displayed in the Border Data dialog box, where it shows the list of Borders to choose from. It will help the Users quickly tell what size border they are selecting. If the border is 24 inches by 36 inches, in the Width field type 36, and in the Height field type 24. When the User selects the border they want to use they will see not only the name of the Border but also the 36 x 24.


Set Band Locations
The different Bands all have their own defined Y-Dist and Height. The X-Dist and length will be determined according to the amount of stationing per sheet, and the scale selected. The Y-Dist represents where the Band will be located in the Y direction. Press the select a point button () to choose a point for the specified band.
NOTE: Take notice of the command line when selecting a point to define a band. This will tell the user which point to select to set the band in the desired area.
NOTE: If a point in AutoCAD is selected, then we recommend having Ortho On. This is because Skyline will find the length from the Origin to the point selected. It’s similar to the AutoCAD command Distance. If the Ortho is Off, then Skyline may calculate an inaccurate Location.
Go through these steps of setting the Location and Height for each of the following Bands:
  • Station
  • PI
  • Material
  • Pipe
  • Property
  • Environmental
  • Profile
If a Band will not be displayed on the Alignment Sheets, then it will not matter what is typed there. There will be an option later on, during Sheet Extraction to not display that Band.

Set North Arrow Location
 In the North Arrow Locations area enter the X-Dist and Y-Dist for where the North Arrow will be inserted. Either type in the value for the X-Dist and Y-Dist or click the X-Dist button and the Y-Dist button to select the distance in AutoCAD. If typing in the values, put the distance from the Origin to the X location in the X-Dist field and then the distance from the Origin to the Y location in the Y-Distfield (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen). Either type in the distance (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen) or select the X or Y distance in AutoCAD. Press the select a point button () to choose a point for the north arrow, we recommend having Ortho On. This is because Skyline will find the length from the Origin to the point selected. It’s similar to the AutoCAD command Distance. If Ortho is Off, then an inaccurate distance may be calculated. The values put in the X and Y Dist fields will be what Skyline uses to insert the North Arrow into the drawing. There will be an option later in Sheet Extraction to not display the North Arrow. The North Arrow block will also be selected in the Sheet Extraction dialog box.



Set Table Locations:

Set Material Table Location / Event Features / BOM Table
 In the Material Table Location area enter the X-Dist and Y-Dist where the Event Feature Table will be inserted. Either type in the value for the X-Dist and Y-Dist or click the X-Dist button and the Y-Dist button to select the distance in AutoCAD. If typing in the values, put the distance from the Origin to the X location in the X-Dist field and then the distance from the Origin to the Y location in the Y-Distfield (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen). Either type in the distance (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen) or select the X or Y distance in AutoCAD. Press the select a point button () to choose a point for the top left of the desired table, we recommend having Ortho On. This is because Skyline will find the length from the Origin to the point selected. It’s similar to the AutoCAD command Distance. If Ortho is Off, then an inaccurate distance may be calculated. The values entered in the X and Y Dist fields will be what Skyline uses to insert the Event Feature Table into the drawing. The information displayed in the Event Feature Table will be defined later in Sheet Extraction.

Set Bearing/Dist. Table Location
 In the Bearing/Dist Table Location area enter the X-Dist and Y-Dist where Bearing/Dist. Table will be inserted. Either type in the value for the X-Dist and Y-Dist or click the X-Dist button and the Y-Dist button to select the distance in AutoCAD. If typing in the values, put the distance from the Origin to the X location in the X-Dist field and then the distance from the Origin to the Y location in the Y-Dist field (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen). Either type in the distance (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen) or select the X or Y distance in AutoCAD. Press the select a point button () to choose a point for the top left of the desired table, we recommend having Ortho On. This is because Skyline will find the length from the Origin to the point selected. It’s similar to the AutoCAD command Distance. If Ortho is Off, then an inaccurate distance may be calculated. The values put in the X and Y Dist fields will be what Skyline uses to insert the Bearing/Dist. Table into the drawing. Type in a value for the height (the distance the table will draw before creating a new table to they left.)The information displayed in the Bearing/Dist. Table will be defined later in Sheet Extraction.
Set Ownership Table Location
 In the Ownership Table Location area enter the X-Dist and Y-Dist where the Ownership Table will be inserted. Either type in the value for the X-Dist and Y-Dist or click the X-Dist button and the Y-Dist button to select the distance in AutoCAD. If typing in the values, put the distance from the Origin to the X location in the X-Dist field and then the distance from the Origin to the Y location in the Y-Distfield (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen). Either type in the distance (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen) or select the X or Y distance in AutoCAD. Press the select a point button () to choose a point for the top left of the desired table, we recommend having Ortho On. This is because Skyline will find the length from the Origin to the point selected. It’s similar to the AutoCAD command Distance. If Ortho is Off, then an inaccurate distance may be calculated. The values put in the X and Y Dist fields will be what Skyline uses to insert the Ownership Table into the drawing. Type in a value for the height (the distance the table will draw before creating a new table to they left.)The information displayed in the Ownership Table will be defined later in Sheet Extraction.


Set PI Table Location
 In the PI Table Location area enter the X-Dist and Y-Dist where the PI Table will be inserted. Either type in the value for the X-Dist and Y-Dist or click the X-Distbutton and the Y-Dist button to select the distance in AutoCAD. If typing in the values, put the distance from the Origin to the X location in the X-Dist field and then the distance from the Origin to the Y location in the Y-Dist field (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen). Either type in the distance (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen) or select the X or Y distance in AutoCAD. Press the select a point button () to choose a point for the top left of the desired table, we recommend having Ortho On. This is because Skyline will find the length from the Origin to the point selected. It’s similar to the AutoCAD command Distance. If Ortho is Off, then an inaccurate distance may be calculated. The values put in the X and Y Dist fields will be what Skyline uses to insert the PI Table into the drawing. Type in a value for the height (the distance the table will draw before creating a new table to the left.). The information displayed in the PI Table will be defined later in Sheet Extraction.



Attribute Tags
 From the Border dialog box select the Attribute Tags button. This will open the Edit Border Tags dialog box. This dialog box links the Attribute from the Border block to the field in the Project Database.
NOTE: Press the Select icon () to select an attribute as a Tag.
In this dialog box there are fields for:
  • From Station
  • To Station
  • DWG #
  • Drawn BY
  • Checked By
  • AFE
  • Rev
  • MP Start
  • MP End
  • DR Date
  • CH Date
  • Map Proj
  • FileName
  • Last Updated
  • Title 1
  • Title2
  • H Scale
  • V Scale
There are also nine tags at the bottom of the dialog box that only apply to Plats. They are:
  • Prop Tag1
  • Prop Tag2
  • Prop Tag3
  • Prop Tag4
  • Prop Tag5
  • Prop Tag6
  • Prop Tag7
  • Prop Tag8
  • Prop Tag9
For each field the User can type in the Tag (name) of the Attribute in AutoCAD. For example, in the drawing below DWGNO is the Tag of the Attribute where the Drawing Number will be displayed. In the Attribute Tag dialog box type DWGNO in the field labeled DWG #.

While going through the process of creating Projects and Alignments, and Extracting Sheets, Skyline will be prompting for information to populate into these Attributes.

Instead of leaving a particular Attribute Tag blank, leave the default. The only Tag values that can remain empty are the nine Property Tags. Once all of the Attribute Tag fields populated click the OK button.


Set the User Defined Bands Locations
 The User Defined Bands button is only available in the Edit Border mode. Click the User Band tab.

Select Add button use the Pull-down to select the User Defined Band to set the location for (if there are not any User-Defined Bands defined, see Chapter 10: User Defined Bands in this documentation).

 Set the Y Distance by either typing in the value or clicking the Select Locationbutton. To type the value, just type in the distance from the Origin to the bottom of where the Band located (the units will be in inches if English Units were chosen for the Project, and either Millimeters or Meters if Metric was chosen). Otherwise create a box in the desired location. And then select the add button.

 To modify the location of a User Defined Band highlight the Band and make the change and click the Update button.

 To Delete a User Defined Band’s Location from the Border highlight the Band and click the Delete button.

 When finished locating all of the User Defined Bands click the Update button.