REV XT Installation Guide


ArcGIS Standard License Installed

Requires BSD License Server running

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft Access (for Desktop Version)

Compatible with ArcGIS Versions 10.1 -10.4x


REV Core


1. Open The Rev Core XT application

2. Select the appropriate database for your license : SQL (Enterprise) or Access (Desktop)
3. Verify the application recognizes the licenses for the application and ArcGIS in the status box.

4. Go to Log File Location , create , and specify a log file path 

5. The *View Log button is use to display actions that are occurring in the background
6. Next go the Database option and click on the ellipsis and select SQL (Enterprise users) or Access Database (Desktop Users)    
7. SQL Users – Click on the Ellipsis and wait for server list to display. Choose the server and database.
    If the server is not on the list Type in the server and database name. 

8. Next, type in the Server and Database name. This will specify the server and database for Rev Core XT to    monitor.  
9. Click on the Watch Server button to finish. The slider can also be adjusted to watch the database for set     amount of seconds.  

                                   REV Admin XT

1. Open the REV Admin XT Application.
2. Specify the source database for your appropriate license - Access or SQL
3. Select the Event Name (Trigger to create)
4. Choose a target Geodatabase : File GDB* is the only option available for Access version
5. Choose a target Feature dataset and Feature class.
6. Click on Build to create the Trigger. REV Core will watch for any Triggered Events and write to the specified GDB or SDE.