Setting Up A SQL Server Database For Lightning Enterprise

Restoring the Bak File
1.  Download the BSD Enterprise Bak File and place the file in SQL’s backup folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11\Backup)
2.  Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and make a connection to your database
3.  Right Click on Database , and select restore Database
4.  Select Device under Source
5.  Click on the ellipsis and choose the Add option
6.  The directory should point to the default backup location
7.  Select the BSD Enterprise Bak file and press OK to add
8.  Press Ok again to confirm the restorePermissions:The users would need the following roles and permissions in SQL:Job roles - DB Reader and Writer· Alter
· Select
· Update
· Delete
· Create
· Control
· Insert 


Lightning Connection- Open Arcmap , and set your seed location to the restored BSD Enterprise database.
- Click on the red SQL button and type in jEremy
- Style file and template will be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Sky Development, Inc\Lightning
- Set the GDB to the location you specified by pressing the create new gdb button.