How to Fix - “ Fatal Error ” Message in Skyline


"Fatal Error: Unhandled Access Violation..." Error

Issue: When launching Skyline you may run into an error labeled "Fatal Error: Unhandled Access Violation...".

Additional Information:

  • This error is likely caused by incorrect text size under your display settings.



  1. Go to your system settings

    Windows Settings
  2. Go to Display Settings
  3. Under "Change the size of text, apps, and other items", Change text size to 100%
  4. Restart AutoCAD and Skyline
  5. The issue should now be resolved


Secondary Resolution

  1. Go to the registry editor
    1. Reg Edit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> SOFTWARE -> VB and VBA Program Settings
  2. Confirm that everything under this folder is Blue Sky-related (AlignmentDB, BSD, BSDI, DASH)
  3. Delete the "VB and VBA Program Settings" folder (or simply delete the Blue Sky folders out of it)
  4. Reopen AutoCAD and restart Skyline