Workflow Tool - Create/Edit/Delete

The Workflow tool aids in management and organization of Orbital Projects.

NOTE: To use the Workflow tool, you must first select a Database and Project. 

  • Whatever workflows exist under the Database will be available from any Project associated with it. 


Creating a Workflow

Adding Steps

  1. Name your workflow.
  2. Add Steps by filling out the Step Name and Description. 
    1. Steps can be rearranged by clicking and dragging from the left-most "striped region".


Add Workflow Attributes

  1. Assign an Attribute name and select the attribute type
    1. Menu:
    2. Number: Select a minimum and maximum value. You can choose whether the value is required, as well as whether you want only whole numbers. 
    3. Person: Name the Attribute, and determine whether it required. 
    4. Date: Name the Attribute, and determine whether it is required. 
  2. When you are ready to add an Attribute, click "Add Attribute".
  3. To edit Attributes, select the green pencil icon, make the necessary changes, and then click "Save".

Saving the Workflow

After following the above-listed steps, click "Save Workflow", located at the bottom on the page. 


TIP: Every Workflow has default attributes that always populate while adding Work Units:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Owner
  • Stakeholders
  • Due Date
  • Attachments

These values can be edited later in the Workflow Manager.


Editing a Workflow

  1. Select a workflow from the dropdown menu to edit it. 
  2. From here, you can change the Workflow Name and Description.
  3. Change the desired information in the Step Name and Description, and click "Update"
  4. To change the order of the Steps, simply click and drag by the gray striped area on the left. Once arranged as desired, you can save it by clicking "Update Order".