Lightning NexGen Installation Guide

Learn how to quickly get going with the Lightning NextGen.

Download Lightning NexGen here!


ArcGIS Pro will manage the installation for the most part of third-party tools, like Lightning NexGen.  ArcGIS Pro has a default location that it will install tools to, and will only look at this location to load third-party tools.  If your company IT policy restricts installing applications on the C drive, skip down to the Alternate Installation Path section.

1. Download the Lightning Next Gen Installer zip file.

2. Right click on the zip file and Extract the contents.

3. Right click on the LightningNextGenInstaller.exe and select "Run as Administrator".

4. Check “I agree to the terms and conditions above”.

5. Click the Update / Install button.

6. The ESRI ArcGIS Configuration Installation Utility will pop up.  You may need to wait for up to 15 seconds.  Click “Install Configuration.”

7. Click the Update / Install button.

8. When the installation completes, click "OK".

9. To add a shortcut icon to your Desktop, click the "Create Lightning NextGen Shortcut" button.  This is recommended.

You will see the icon (bottom-right) on your desktop.  You can move it or pin it to your taskbar, but you will want to use this shortcut to start Lightning NextGen.

Install to an Alternate Installation Path

  1. Create a folder where you would like Lightning NexGen installed.  This will be referred to as the installation location throughout the rest of this guide.
  2. Place the LightningNexGen.proconfigX file in this location.
  3. Right click on the LightningNexGen.proconfigX file and click the Unblock button.
  4. Open ArcGIS Pro.
  5. Under Projects, go to the Add-In Manager.
  6. Under Options, click Add.
  7. Select the installation location that you created previously.
  8. Set the options to Load All.
  9. Close ArcGIS Pro.
  10. Open REGEDIT.
  11. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Settings
  12. Create a New String Value.
  13. Name the new row ConfigurationFolder.
  14. Open the new row and paste the path of the installation location.

Double click on the Lightning NexGen shortcut.


Heads up! If you are a system administrator installing LNX onto a user's computer you may see the Lightning NexGen shortcut appearing on your desktop instead of the user's. 


Check out this article on how to fix that!

LNX Server Licensing Installation

  1. Click the "install LNX Server Licensing button at the bottom.
  2. The setup will start up with this window.  Click next until the setup has completed.
  3. Once the installation completes, the server setup should be done for the LNX Server Licensing app.
  4. Once this completes, you should see the status text say, "Completed with code 0."